
neck turtle Learn more about neck turtle

  • How much is a black-necked turtle seedling of an endangered species? What are the breeding methods?

    How much is a black-necked turtle seedling of an endangered species? What are the breeding methods?

    Modern people like to keep some animals as companions, such as cats, dogs, fish, turtles and so on, among which turtles have the longest life span. Today to introduce the black-necked turtle, about its seedling price is how much one and breeding methods and so on. First, the base of the black-necked turtle

    2020-11-11 Endangered species black neck turtle seedlings price more less money one
  • How to raise the yellow-headed side-necked turtle? how can the yellow-headed side-necked turtle grow?

    How to raise the yellow-headed side-necked turtle? how can the yellow-headed side-necked turtle grow?

    Yellow-headed side-neck turtles can also be called macular side-necked turtles, yellow-striped side-necked turtles, ninja turtles and so on. With the higher and higher standard of human life, now many people are willing to keep yellow-headed side-necked turtles as pets, so how to raise yellow-headed side-necked turtles? Yellow head and lateral neck

    2020-11-08 Yellow head side neck turtle how raise can grow how big yellow head side
  • The difference between black-necked turtles and grass turtles

    The difference between black-necked turtles and grass turtles

    Black-necked turtle is also known as Guangdong water turtle and musk turtle. There is a difference between Chinese grass turtle and Chinese grass turtle in species. | | Black-necked turtles inhabit subtropical hills, mountain woodlands near streams, and grasslands. Grass turtles belong to aquatic and land reptiles, which mainly inhabit rivers and lakes.

    2020-11-11 Black neck turtle grass turtle difference black neck grass turtle also known as Guangdong
  • The difference between black-necked turtles and grass turtles

    The difference between black-necked turtles and grass turtles

    There are many kinds of turtles with very strong carapace. When attacked, the turtle can pull its head, tail and limbs back into the shell. Black-necked turtles and grass turtles are two common species. So, what's the difference between a black-necked turtle and a grass turtle? I. the area of black-necked turtles and grass turtles

    2020-11-11 Black neck turtle and grass turtle difference tortoise species more
  • The difference between a black neck and a grass turtle

    The difference between a black neck and a grass turtle

    There are many kinds of turtles, especially at home and abroad. Black-necked turtles and Chinese grass turtles are two species that people pay more attention to. Today, let's take a look at the differences between them. The difference between a black neck and a grass turtle has a larger black neck shape.

    2020-11-11 Black neck and grass turtle the difference turtle there are many kinds especially
  • How big can the yellow-headed side-necked turtle grow?

    How big can the yellow-headed side-necked turtle grow?

    The adult of the yellow-headed side-necked turtle can grow to more than 40 cm, and the maximum nail length can reach 68 cm; the length of the female toenail can reach more than 25 inches (63.5cm), and the male turtle is only half as long as the female turtle. The yellow-headed side-necked turtle is brown when it is young, and turns grayish black when it grows up.

    2020-11-11 Yellow head side neck turtle can grow how big yellow head side adult
  • The price of men's domesticated turtles has increased a hundredfold: an annual income of 20 million reveals that turtles become rich.

    The price of men's domesticated turtles has increased a hundredfold: an annual income of 20 million reveals that turtles become rich.

    The price of men's domesticated turtles has increased a hundredfold: an annual income of 20 million reveals that turtles become rich.

  • Red-headed snake-necked turtle

    Red-headed snake-necked turtle

    The Chinese name red-headed snakehead turtle is distributed geographically in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana and Brazil. The mode of reproduction is to lay eggs. Females can be distinguished by their tails (of course, long and thick tails are male). It can mate all year round. Female turtles can lay 4 to 6 eggs at a time, sometimes laying eggs far away from the water source. Habitual crooked-necked turtles are basically aquatic, but are often found walking on land after rain. The three animals I keep in captivity spend more time on land than they do in the water.

  • How long is the life span of a turtle?

    How long is the life span of a turtle?

    How long is the life span of a turtle?

  • Beware of four diseases in raising money turtles

    Beware of four diseases in raising money turtles

    In the process of raising money turtles, due to the deterioration of pond water, high stocking density, mixed culture of large and small turtles, improper bait, freezing injury and summer injury and other reasons, the turtles often get sick or die. Now the money tortoise is easy to occur four diseases and prevention and treatment methods are introduced as follows: first, the symptoms of red neck disease: the disease mostly occurs in the plum rain season. The diseased tortoise has red spots on the abdomen, swollen throat and neck, elongated neck that cannot be retracted, loss of appetite and slow response. When the condition is serious, nosebleed, intestinal inflammation and erosion, redness and swelling of the whole body, no

  • The difference between grass turtles and smelly turtles

    The difference between grass turtles and smelly turtles

    Tortoise is a long-lived animal, but also a lovely animal, many people keep it as a pet, the breeding method is simple, does not need to spend much energy. There are many kinds of turtles and their looks are different. So, what's the difference between a grass turtle and a smelly turtle? I. the difference between grass turtles and smelly turtles

    2020-11-11 Grass turtle is different from smelly tortoise yes longevity animal
  • Prevention and treatment of common diseases of money tortoise

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases of money tortoise

    In the process of raising money turtles, due to the deterioration of pond water and high stocking density. Mixed culture of large and small turtles, improper baiting, freezing injury and summer injury and other causes often cause turtles to get sick or die. 1. Red neck disease pathogen: is an infectious disease, its pathogen may be a virus, may also be a kind of Aeromonas aerogenes. Symptoms: the disease mostly occurs in the plum rain season. The diseased turtle has red spots on the abdomen, swollen throat and neck, elongated neck that cannot be retracted, slow movement, loss of appetite, and slow response. The condition is strict

  • Prevention and treatment of common diseases of soft-shelled turtle

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases of soft-shelled turtle

    Soft-shelled turtle diseases can be divided into three categories: infectious soft-shelled turtle diseases caused by bacteria, molds or viruses, parasitic diseases caused by parasites and diseases caused by other causes. the more harmful and common diseases are red floor disease, white floor disease and red neck disease. Skin rot disease, perforation disease, white spot disease, bell disease and so on. The following is an introduction to the pathogens, causes and treatment of various diseases. 1. The pathogen of red neck disease. The pathogen of red neck disease is Aeromonas hydrophila, which is gram-negative. Soft-shelled turtles with bacteria and polluted pond water are the main sources of infection.

  • Why are money turtles so expensive?

    Why are money turtles so expensive?

    Why are money turtles so expensive?

  • Main diseases of soft-shelled turtle and their prevention and treatment

    Main diseases of soft-shelled turtle and their prevention and treatment

    With the continuous development of turtle culture industry, the continuous increase of artificial culture density and the promotion of constant temperature intensive culture, the factors causing soft-shelled turtle disease are increasing day by day, which brings a lot of difficulties and economic losses to professional farmers. The etiology and prevention techniques of several common diseases of soft-shelled turtle are introduced below. First, the hemorrhagic disease is caused by the virus and Aeromonas punctata. It can be seen that there are bleeding spots or bleeding spots in the abdominal nail of the diseased soft-shelled turtle, and erosive growth in the dorsal nail, which can cause death in severe cases. Prevention and treatment: use furazolidone at 1.5 g / cu m

  • The difference between Guangdong Grass Turtle and Grass Turtle

    The difference between Guangdong Grass Turtle and Grass Turtle

    Guangdong grass turtle is also known as black-necked grass turtle, Guangdong water turtle and musk turtle. There is a difference between Chinese grass turtle and Chinese grass turtle in species. Guangdong grass turtle, inhabiting subtropical hills, mountain woodlands near stream mountains, grasslands; likes to be warm and afraid of cold. Grass turtles are aquatic and can crawl on land.

    2020-11-11 Guangdong grass tortoise and the difference grass turtle also known as black
  • Disease control of soft-shelled turtle

    Disease control of soft-shelled turtle

    Soft-shelled turtles have great adaptability and strong resistance, and diseases rarely occur in culture and production, but diseases will also occur if they are not properly managed. The common diseases of soft-shelled turtle are: red neck disease is caused by Monospora aerogenes. The main symptoms are loss of appetite, dullness, redness, swelling and congestion of the neck, elongation but not retraction, red spots on the abdomen, sometimes floating on the surface, sometimes prostrate in the sand. In severe cases, oral and nasal bleeding, intestinal inflammation and decay, redness and swelling of the whole body, cloudy eyes, whiteness and blindness, hepatosplenomegaly, no

  • A collection of pictures of money tortoise species

    A collection of pictures of money tortoise species

    A collection of pictures of money tortoise species

  • Disease control of tortoise

    Disease control of tortoise

    Etiology of mumps: the pathogen is Aeromonas punctata. The main reason is water pollution. Symptoms: sick turtles, slow to move, often raise their neck in water or land, their neck is abnormally swollen, and their hind limbs are bulging. There is gas under the skin, the limbs are swollen; in severe cases, the mouth and nose bleed. Prevention and treatment: streptomycin sulfate is injected, 100000-120000 units per kilogram of body weight. Once a year. Daily use of 30 mg / L furazolidone every 2-3 months

  • Six points for injection of sick turtles

    Six points for injection of sick turtles

    In recent years, artificial turtle breeding is gradually heating up, but the disease also has a local spread trend. There are many kinds of drug administration measures for the prevention and treatment of turtle disease, such as feeding medicine, liniment medicine, injection, medicine bath and so on. Once the tortoise gets sick, the work of treatment is very different from that of other animals, mainly because the tortoise has very hard armor. According to the author's practice of breeding and production for more than ten years, the method of injection is the most effective, because the liquid is directly injected into the tortoise and absorbed quickly. However, the author reminds the majority of turtle farmers to pay attention to the following points when giving turtle injections: 1. Do not use it
